Archive for November, 2015

hi there

Posted: November 6, 2015 in employed, general

i’m back. and no one missed me. it’s ok. this is mostly for me to read, i guess. haha. damn, i’m so lonely. i have a lot to say, so if anyone is reading, hi there.

so,'s it going?

so, uh…how’s it going?

i didn’t last too long at my retail job. not to say it wasn’t great, because it wasn’t but…well, you know, opportunity is what it is. so i went back to doing what i love, which is using my fabulous IT skills again. yay! i had to use an extremely tight network of people to get to that point, though. so the age-old idiom of burning bridges and all that? don’t do it.

whoooosh motherfuckers

whoooosh motherfuckers

as much as our egos would love to allow us to think that we can get a job on our own, sometimes (most of the time, amiright) it’s best just to let a former colleague do the work for us. i worked with this particular person at the place that let me go way back at the beginning of this saga. he told me he was leaving his position and they needed an IT person.

i said ok before he was done explaining

i said ok before he was done explaining

so i started working that part time, and i worked the other place part time and i slept and ate part time, and i got part-timed the fuck out, son. i was tired. like, seriously tired. i said hasta la vista to retail and went back to a happy medium of just enough money and fuck i’m broke.

for fuck's sake

for fuck’s sake

there’s a couple of things that need to happen at any job. one is to keep the supplies i need i do my fucking job. if i need access to something, i should have it. if i need a particular type of supply to do a demonstration, i should have it. but the dude in charge isn’t supposed to be in charge because he is business and not IT but they haven’t filled that position yet…so i do my job within my means and don’t strive too hard to go more than that. i mean, why? i dutifully send the email required to get what i need, and that’s it. i don’t beg or cajole or dance to make sure it happens. i’m done fighting.



so i have a job and i get paid and i am happy. i have weekends back. i get paid an amazing amount of money for my knowledge and i’m not overly struggling too much anymore. i do have to get caught up on bills after a year and a half or so of backpedaling, but…but…but…it’s where i am supposed to be.



i really wish i could give more detail, but again, it would pretty much give away my identity, and i don’t want that. on the other hand, holidays are coming again. at least i don’t have to answer if i have a job or not.